Mona Relief delivers 385 food aid baskets in Yemen

May 10, 2021

Funded by our great partners in Poland Schools for Peace along with Mona Relief’s fundraising campaign in Pateron and with the support of Partners Relief and Development.

385 families received food parcels from Mona Relief in the capital Sana’a

Each food aid basket contains; 25 kg of flour, 10 kg of rice, 10 kg of sugar, 4 litters of cooking oil, 2 kg of red dried lentils, and 3 kg of dates.

Tomorrow Mona Relief will finish food aid distributing by delivering another 100 food supplies in Sana’a

The total of 2400 food aid baskets were delivered to IDPs, disabled, blinds, orphans and the most vulnerable families during Ramadan this year.

2200 were funded by with Mona Relief’s fundraising campaign in Pateron with the support of Partners Relief and Development as 200 food aid baskets were funded by our partners in Poland Schools for Peace.



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